Already a Buy-to-Let Investor? Elevate Your Game with Home Equity
Use the untapped potential of your portfolio’s equity to make smarter decisions for your buy-to-let investments
Featured in
Unlock Better Rates
Find out how you can refinance your existing buy-to-let mortgages by leveraging your home's equity and portfolio for better interest rates
Grow Your Portfolio
Use the home equity you have gained in your portfolio to acquire additional buy-to-let properties

Invest in renovations and improvements for your existing buy-to-let properties by tapping into your home's equity
Learn how to use your home equity to optimise the portfolio or add a new property

Our Mission
Ahauz unlocks home wealth for everyone. We empower people by making home equity trackable and accessible.
The Ahauz experience
Speak to us - let's unlock your home's potential together
We offer a free 30min phone consultation to get you tapping into your home equity
Select a date to view availability
We have your back
Your data is our priority
We do not disclose your personal information to unrelated third parties for their own advertising or marketing.
We take your security seriously
Data is protected, transmitted over a secure HTTPS protocol. We also enforce 256-bit encryption.